
Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Langkah – langkah menyusun slide master

1.      Langkah pertama buat lembar kerja di power point dengan mengisi beberapa slide.

2.      Sorot pada slide 1….. 1. Tekan view…..2. Klik slide master

3.      Untuk membuat tombol navigasi pada arahkan pada slide 1 ( Master Slide )……. 1. Klik INSET….. 2. Pilih shapes…

4.      Arahkan mouse ke pojok kanan bawah,klik tahan geser untuk mengatur ukuran tombol, kemudian klik ok

5.      Sekarang pindah ke slide 3 untuk membuat navigasi lanjutannya (kembali )

6.      Arahkan mouse ke pojok kiri bawah, klik tahan geser untuk mengatur ukuran tombol, kemudian klik ok

7.      Masih di slide 3 ,untuk membuat tombol home,klik pada ribbon …..1. Klik insert……2. Klik shapes … 3. Klik action Button Home

8.      Arahkan mouse ke tengah , klik tahan geser untuk mengatur ukuran tombol, kemudian klik ok

9.      Nah sekarang membuat menu dengan …insert…. Shapes….

10.  Arahkan mouse ke pojok kiri atas….. Kemudian isi dengan tulisan dengan klik kanan …edit tex

11.  Kemudian untuk membuat menu berikutnya,klik kanan pilih copy…

12.  Arahkan mouse ke bawahnya, dan klik paste kalau 2010 ada pilihan paste option pilih yang ada gambar atau sebelah kanan (picture)

13.  Lakukan hal yang sama (pada point 11 – 12) untuk membuat menu yang lain jangan lupa dirubah kalimatnya sehingga akan menghasilkan sebagai berikut

14.  OK urusan slide master selesai sementara.Untuk melihat hasil slide master dengan 1. Mengklik Slide Master dengan 2. Klik close Master view close

15.  Maka tampilan normal dapat dilihat seperti gambar dibawah ini

16.  Nah sekarang silahkan isi slide seperi kalau kita mengisi pada power point biasa bilamana perlu gunakan asesoris/ animasi secukupnya

17.  Jika langkah diatas benar, maka dapat kita lanjutkan urusan bahan ajar disini dengan membuat Hyperlink, yaitu salah satu fitur power point yang mempermudah kita menuju ke slide dengan sekali klik, Caranya klik slide 2, kemudian 1. Klik View… 2. Klik slide Master
18.  Pada mode slide master,klik pada slide 3

19.  Arahkan pointer mouse tepat disepanjang kotak menu depan, kemudian 1. Klik Insert….. 2. Klik hyperlink

20.  Pada kotak dialog insert Hyperlink, klik Place in this Document, pilih 1 selamat datang di……, akhiri dengan menekan OK

21.  Lakukan hal yang sama untuk SK/KD…… dan begitu seterusnya…. Kalau sudah ok semua… kelur dari slide master dengan cara…….. 1. Klik slide master…. 2. Klik Close Master view close … maka akan tampil seperti di bawah ini

22.  Selanjutnya kita tampilkan dengan menekan F5


1. Klik icon new PREZI di desktop anda. Kemudian akan muncul tampilan berikut. Kemudian klik new prezi.
2. kemudian akan muncul tampilan berikut. Pilih template yang anda suka dengan cara klik 2 kali pada template yang anda pilih.
3. ini adalah tampilan pertama dari template yang kita pilih sebelumnya.
4. untuk menambah frame kita bisa menggunakan Frames & Arrows – klik lalu tinggal pilih mana frame yang cocok.
5. untuk mempercantik frame kita juga bisa menambahkan icon pada menu insert – symbol.. – maka akan mucul icon pada sebelah kanan anda. Tarik ke frame anda selanjutnya icon sudah bisa digunakan langsung
5. untuk menambahkan gambar pada frame anda klik menu insert-image-select image.
7. untuk menambahkan media lain seperti buku berbentuk PDF kita bisa menggunakan menu insert-from the file(PDF...).
8. ketika semua frame anda sudah selesai kita langsung bisa klik present pada pojok kiri laptop anda.
9. ini adalah tampilan dimana kita mempresentasikan hasil dari frame-frame yang telah kita buat sebelumnya. Dengan menge-klik present akan muncul tampilan berikut. Kita juga bisa mengatur waktu secara otomatis dengan cara klik pojok kanan bawah laptop anda.
10.  untuk meng-export to portable prezi klik SHARE pada layar monitor anda lalu klik export to portable prezi.

Langkah membuat PPT PLEX

Salah satu kelebihan Microsoft PowerPoint Membuat presentasi PowerPoint makin menarik.
adalah kemampuannya untuk menerima fungsi-fungsi tambahan melalui sebuah program “kecil” yang kerap disebut dengan plugin atau add-in. Nah, bila Anda bosan dengan model presentasi yang itu-itu saja, coba gunakan add-in pptPlex.

Add-in pptPlex tersebut akan memberikan nuansa presentasi yang berbeda. Pada presentasi PowerPoint yang biasa, setiap slide akan muncul satu persatu dengan atau tanpa efek transisi. Dengan pptPlex, presentasi bisa ditampilkan seolah menjadi satu kesatuan di dalam halaman tertentu. Slide tertentu yang akan ditayangkan merupakan bagian dari halaman tersebut dan ditayangkan dengan cara diperbesar (zoom) menggunakan efek tertentu.

Instalasinya cukup mudah. Anda tinggal menjalankan file pptPlex.msi dan mengikuti langkah-langkah panduan instalasinya. Setelah selesai, pada PowerPoint akan muncul tab baru, yaitu tab pptPlex.
Slide presentasi dikumpulkan di dalam satu halaman yang disebut dengan Canvas. Untuk memilih Canvas, klik tombol Canvas Background yang terdapat pada tab pptPlex. Dengan mengeklik tombol tersebut, akan muncul sebuah daftar yang berisi gambar latar belakang yang dapat dipilih. Canvas tersebut setara atau dianggap sebagai slide pertama jika dibandingkan dengan presentasi PowerPoint biasa.
Canvas didesain untuk mengandung area-area tertentu yang disebut dengan section. Setiap section nantinya dapat diisi dengan satu atau beberapa slide.
Setelah penempatan kanvas, buatlah slide yang menjadi judul presentasi. Slide berisi judul presentasi dapat ditempatkan pada area khusus. Umumnya area tersebut akan bernama “Slides before 1st Section Divider”.
Setelah itu, buatlah slide-slide berikutnya dan tempatkan pada seksiseksi yang tersedia. Setelah semua tertata, jalankan presentasi (slide show) dengan mengeklik salah satu tombol berikut:
• From Overview: menampilkan presentasi mulai dari tampilan canvas.
• From First Slide: menampilkan presentasi mulai dari slide pertama.
• From Current Slide: menampilkan presentasi mulai dari slide terseleksi.

Navigasi presentasi dapat dilakukan baik dengan keyboard maupun mouse. Bila dilakukan dengan mouse, Anda dapat mengeklik dan menarik kanvas untuk menggesernya. Bahkan navigasi juga bisa dilakukan dengan Wii Controller.  

Dengan pptPlex, Anda juga bisa menampilkan dokumen Microsoft Office lain seperti Word dan Excel. Dengan demikian, Anda tidak perlu lagi bersusah payah menata isi dokumen tersebut ke dalam slide karena dapat langsung ditampilkan apa adanya.

Add-in pptPlex ini juga menyediakan fasilitas untuk membuat kanvas sendiri. Jadi bila Anda tidak suka dengan kanvas bawaan, Anda bisa membuatnya sendiri. Kanvas buatan sendiri ini pada dasarnya hanyalah gambar biasa yang nantinya digunakan sebagai latar belakang. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah, gambar tersebut sebaiknya mengandung banyak ruang kosong yang nantinya bisa diisi dengan slide.

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

The Descriptive paragraphs with the example

descriptive paragraphs

Page historylast edited by PBworks 8 years ago
Descriptive- Rich descripitive words that puts a picture of a person, place, or an object in a readers mind. When a person is writing a descriptive piece, there should be very detailed observations, write what you see in your mind. All parts should be equal. The more detail the better the story. You should start at one point and move in one direction as not to confuse the audience. Such as clock wise, left to right, top to bottom. The reader should be able to envision the picture that you had in your mind as the writer.

Transitional Expressions-
Next to, near, close, far, up, down, between, above, below, left, right, center, toward, away.
- All of these are used when writing a descriptive paragraph.

An example: I think the way a person dresses can really explain who they are and what they are about.

  • Here are some examples of a descriptive paragraph:

Standing on his hind legs, this rare andalucian stallion is fearless. His ears are turned back while his noble looking head is held high. His all black coat glistens in the late afternoon sun. His face displays a strong confidence with his nostrils flared, his veins bulging from his cheek bones, and his fiery black eyes burning holes into the souls of those who stare into them. His neck muscles are tensed and thickened with adrenalin. His black main is thrown into the wind like a flag rippling in the winds of a tornado. His muscular front legs are brought up to his chest displaying his flashing gray hooves that could crush a man's scull with one blow. His backbone and underbelly are held almost straight up and his hind quarters are tensed. His back legs are spread apart for balance. His back hooves are pressed into the earth; therefore, his hooves cause deep gouges from the weight of his body on the soil. His black tail is held straight down and every once in a while a burst of wind catches it and then it floats down back into place like an elegant piece of silk falling from the sky. His bravery and strength are what made his breed prized as a warhorse.
~© Jamell Wilson, 2005~

This is a really good desciptive paragraph. It is very well developed, stays on the topic, and has some very descriptive words that happen throughout the paragraph. This is something that keeps the reader wanting to read more and more.

Explanation Paragraph

In an explanation paragraph, you need to explain how or why something happens. Very often in social studies class, you will be asked to explore causes and effects of certain events.Example:     Write a paragraph explaining why so many Europeans moved to Canada during the nineteenth century.
The following words can help you to write a good explanation paragraph:
Helper Words:
as a result ofconsequently
is due tohence
 it follows that
 if . . . then

Example:   People moved to Canada from Europe during the nineteenth century because they had poor living conditions in Europe.

Example:   Since living conditions in Europe were terrible, many people moved to Canada.

as a result of
Example:   People moved to Canada from Europe as a result of poor living conditions in Europe.

is due to / was due to
Example:   The large influx of people to Canada was due toeconomic pressures in Europe.

Example:   Living conditions in Europe were terrible.Therefore, many people moved to Canada for a better life.

Example:   Living conditions in Europe were terrible.Thus, many people moved to Canada for a better life.

Example:   Living conditions were terrible in Europe.Consequently, many people moved to Canada.

Example:   Living conditions were terrible in Europe.Hence, many people moved to Canada.

it follows that
Example:   Living conditions were terrible in Europe. It follows that many people moved to Canada.

if ... then
Example:   If living conditions were better in Europe, thenfewer people would have moved to Canada.

Paragraph Persuasive

Persuasive Paragraph Sample
An Editorial on Class Sizes in School

    As a senior at Patrick Henry High School, I’ve noticed that the greatest problem facing public schools is large class size. For the past three years, certain circumstances have allowed me to attend smaller classes in English and history. Now the pilot program is over, and I am once again enrolled in regular-size classes. Comparing the former experience with my current situation, in which my English class is comprised of more than 40 students, the advantages of smaller classes become readily apparent. In my current English class, effective teaching and learning have been sacrificed to the administrative advantage of fewer classes holding greater numbers of students. Although in terms of test scores the class has been deemed successful, student participation in such a large class is limited to a select few; individual conferences with the teacher are hard to get due to the sheer number of students; and papers take weeks to get graded. In smaller classes, however, it has been my experience that all students participate, classes are more focused and on task, and the teacher develops a closer relationship to the students. These factors allow students to learn and develop their abilities. They also allow teachers to effectively critique their students' work. Moreover, in small classes, students can develop working relationships with one another—a camaraderie nonexistent in larger classes. If the public school system were to cut class size in half, to approximately 15 to 20 students each, the benefits would manifest themselves immediately. If we wish to improve the level of education in public schools today, we must reduce class size.

Persuasive Essay Sample- Grade 6

Adopting a Pet from the Pound

Owning a pet from the pound or Animal Rescue League has many advantages. First of all, a child feels good about rescuing an abandoned or abused animal and giving it a whole new life. Besides, if the animals from the pound aren’t adopted right away, they might be put to sleep. Having a pet also means lots of responsibilities. A child has to feed, clean up after, brush, and exercise the pet.
Another great advantage of having a pet from the pound is the price of these cute and cuddly animals. Pets from the pound cost only a few dollars while pets at a fancy pet store can cost hundreds of dollars.
Once you adopt a pet from the Animal Rescue League, it will quickly become a part of your family. If you are thinking of adopting a pet, you might consider choosing a dog or a cat. Dogs and cats can bring lots of happy times to a family, and they can be excellent companions for a person who lives alone or someone who has lost a loved one. Dogs are also a wonderful source of protection. Cats are funny, and they may help to calm people down when they are sad or mad.
Please consider adopting an animal. If you remember all of the advantages of adopting a pet from the pound, you might find the bird, mouse, hamster, dog, or cat of your choice.

Persuasive Essay Sample- Grade 9

Summer: 15 Days or 2 1/2 Months?

The final bell rings. It’s the last day of school, and summer has finally come! Students don’t have to think about school for at least another 2 1/2 months. That is the way it should always be. Schools should continue using the traditional calendar and not a year-round schedule. There are numerous downsides to year-round schooling. It has no positive effects on education, it adds to costs, and it disrupts the long-awaited summer vacation.
Contrary to the well-accepted belief, year-round schooling has no constructive impact on education. Most year-round schedules use the 45-15 method: 45 days of school followed by 15 days off. Because of this, there are many first and last days of school. All those transitions disrupt the learning process. Also, there is no evidence of higher test scores. Due to that, many schools that change to year-round schedules end up switching back. For example, since 1980, 95 percent of schools that tried the year-round schedule changed back to a traditional calendar. It is obvious that changing to year-round schooling does not help students; therefore, why is the change necessary?
Like any other facility, keeping a school open requires a great deal of money. When a school changes to a year-round schedule, the costs skyrocket. Keeping school open in the middle of summer requires air conditioning, and that adds significantly to the school’s expenses. The usual utility bills grow because of the additional open-school time. Finally, teachers must be paid for all the weeks they are working. With all these factors, the cost of keeping schools open becomes immensely high. For example, a high school in Arizona had a cost increase of $157,000 when they switched to year-round schooling. Some schools may not be able to handle such increases, and other schools that can handle these expenses could be doing better things with the money. Is year-round school really where the money should go?
An important part of a child’s life is summertime. With year-round schedules, students would hardly have any time to relax. During the 15-day breaks, they would be thinking about their quick return to school. It would also be difficult to coordinate family vacations with parents’ work schedules. Similarly, children would not be able to go to most summer camps. One expert, Dr. Peter Scales, says, “The biggest plus of camp is that camps help young people discover and explore their talents, interests, and values. Most schools don’t satisfy all these needs. Kids who have these kinds of [camp] experiences end up being healthier and have fewer problems.” Obviously, the summer is crucial to a child’s learning and development. Why should this invaluable part of a young person’s life be taken away?
It is evident that year-round schooling is not the best option for the school calendar. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the traditional school year. Why change something that works so well? The final bell rings. Let’s make sure this bell means that the “real” summer vacation has come.

paragraph exposition and argumentation


-          Exposition paragraph is the type of paragraph that explains about a thing, topic, or event so that people get information about it. suppose that the article contained in the paper.
-          Argumentation paragraph is the type of paragraph that expresses ideas, idea, or opinion of the writer, accompanied by evidence and facts (true).



-          Characteristics of exposition paragraph :
1. Exposition paragraph  generally answer the question what, who, where, when, why, and how.
2. Paragraph of exposition is divided into eight types of paragraphs
3. Exposition is not always divided into sections called the opening, development, and closing. It     depends on the nature of the composition and purpose to be achieved.

-          Characteristics of argumentation paragraph :
1. Describes the opinion that the reader believe.
2. Require proof of facts for pictures / graphics, and others.
3. Exploring the source of ideas from observation, experience, and research.
4. Conclusion of the conclusion.


-          The objectives of exposition is to describe or explain something to the reader the knowledge increases. Therefore, the topics developed in the paragraph relating to the exposition of information delivery.
-          The objectives of argumentation is
1. a look / stance
 2. encourage or prevent an act
3. change the behavior of readers
4. sympathy


-          Exposition essay development patterns can vary, including process development patterns.Paragraph process regarding the answer to the question of how the workings, how to do it (make it), how things are arranged, how it happened. Here are the steps of writing: 

1. The writer must know the details thoroughly. 
2. Dividing the details of tahaptahap happened. If tahaptahap incident took place in different times, the author must be separated and sorted in chronological order.

- The way of developing argumentation :
1. Determining the topic / theme 
2. Setting goals 
3. Collecting data from various sources 
4. Develop outline in accordance with the selected topic 
5. Developing the framework into an argument


1. Have you faced a particular situation with fear? How can I fix? Here are five tactics to overcome these fears. First, prepare yourself the best when dealing with a situation or a particular atmosphere, secondly, learn best when dealing with these situations; third, fertilizer and confidence binalah; fourth, after the onset of self-esteem, your confidence pertebal; fifth, to increase self-confidence, we must increase the capacity or expertise through training or studying it – really.
2. Ozone therapy is the treatment of a disease by entering oxygen, ozone urni and high energy into the body through the blood. Ozone therapy is a very useful therapy for health, both to cure diseases that we suffer as well as disease prevention.