
Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

The Descriptive paragraphs with the example

descriptive paragraphs

Page historylast edited by PBworks 8 years ago
Descriptive- Rich descripitive words that puts a picture of a person, place, or an object in a readers mind. When a person is writing a descriptive piece, there should be very detailed observations, write what you see in your mind. All parts should be equal. The more detail the better the story. You should start at one point and move in one direction as not to confuse the audience. Such as clock wise, left to right, top to bottom. The reader should be able to envision the picture that you had in your mind as the writer.

Transitional Expressions-
Next to, near, close, far, up, down, between, above, below, left, right, center, toward, away.
- All of these are used when writing a descriptive paragraph.

An example: I think the way a person dresses can really explain who they are and what they are about.

  • Here are some examples of a descriptive paragraph:

Standing on his hind legs, this rare andalucian stallion is fearless. His ears are turned back while his noble looking head is held high. His all black coat glistens in the late afternoon sun. His face displays a strong confidence with his nostrils flared, his veins bulging from his cheek bones, and his fiery black eyes burning holes into the souls of those who stare into them. His neck muscles are tensed and thickened with adrenalin. His black main is thrown into the wind like a flag rippling in the winds of a tornado. His muscular front legs are brought up to his chest displaying his flashing gray hooves that could crush a man's scull with one blow. His backbone and underbelly are held almost straight up and his hind quarters are tensed. His back legs are spread apart for balance. His back hooves are pressed into the earth; therefore, his hooves cause deep gouges from the weight of his body on the soil. His black tail is held straight down and every once in a while a burst of wind catches it and then it floats down back into place like an elegant piece of silk falling from the sky. His bravery and strength are what made his breed prized as a warhorse.
~© Jamell Wilson, 2005~

This is a really good desciptive paragraph. It is very well developed, stays on the topic, and has some very descriptive words that happen throughout the paragraph. This is something that keeps the reader wanting to read more and more.

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